15. King Of Sand

Open up your eyes, and try to realize. We gotta’ try to perceive, receive. Open up your ears, but don’t just listen. We gotta’ try to understand.

What is the real deal holy field, and what’s really going on between your brother man in this land. That old pride, self made king is a man, but he ain’t no king at all. There’s only one King of kings, and Lord of lords. Conquering lion of Judah. That is the real deal holy field, and that’s what’s going on between your brother man in this land, but that old pride. Self made king is a man.

Now it’s time to get in line, smile on my face and recite my lines.
Long live the Pope and long live the Queen. In God we trust. What’s that mean?
Trust in me, trust in you, trust in money, that’s something we all do.
Trust in no one, trust one another, can I really trust that we’re sisters & brothers?
Trusting words popularly said. Trusting words, food for the dead.
Wide is the road and narrow is the way. Many, many words blaspheming the way.
Get up against the car and spread your arms, like Christ on the cross, words take form.

Pride…..Words take form.

Self-made king is a man, but he ain’t no king at all. There’s only one King of kings & Lord of lords. Conquering lion of Judah. That is the real deal holy field, and that’s what’s going on between your brother man in this land, but that old pride. Self-made king is a man.

All hale. All hale…….The king of sand.